6월, 2022의 게시물 표시

[UX] How to make Persona and User journey map practical in the design process

When I talked about Persona analysis and User journey map, I felt tired of thinking of the goal from this work to the design process in the final stage. I can understand why we need this process to understand our potential users and their needs. However, I am just wondering what is related to the design process for high fidelity design or working prototype from these. 1. Prologue I love to listen to the VOC, the voice of customers, which is kind of raw needs, and also like to guess what they need when they use the product.  Persona analysis and user journey map show what users’ characters are and how they use the product, when we design the product at the very early stage, I could understand why we need this process, but I still have a practical question. ‘What is related to the product design in the final stage from this output?, and how can I approach this process more quantitatively, practically, or scientifically for the design process in the final stage?’ Of course, in some cases

[UX] User flow and work flow

When it comes to talking about user flow, I have been thinking about the gap of the output for co-workers in the project. As I am a UX designer or product designer in the team, I should understand what users do in the product and also consider how to deliver them to other co-workers like developers, marketers, or others. 1. Prologue This is my big question about the “User flow” or “Work flow”, whatever people call that in the project.  'How much detailed should I describe it in the document?' By the way, I have seen the situations so much at work. If I don’t care about so much, nobody cares about this as well. Then, can you guess what happens to users? I found out a lot of bugs of the feature, tangled user scenarios. I really can’t believe nobody finds this kind of problems in the product, and they are still there.    2. How to make the output Output of the user flow analysis looks simple, but I can find a lot of errors by itself when I take a look at the outputs by others. Le

Portfolio - Remastered product design

Project introduction This is a part of the project to remaster the product design that I did before. The main focus is converting that to the one fully based on Google Material Design guidelines by Figma. Dealer Lounge Dealer Lounge is a financial product that includes legacy system interfaces like banking products and external system interfaces like checking the degree of credit, accident history of the car. About Dealer Lounge Dealer Lounge is a product to provide loan service when the user buys a car, and secured loan for the car owner or the car rental company as well. It consists of an admin website and user website, and it supports desktop and mobile environments. Color Color theme Basic color variants, dark and light, are used by the Material color palette tool. Color theme Typography Typeface: Roboto Roboto is the basic typeface in the product. Typeface – Roboto Typescale Typescale – Roboto Typeface: Spectral SC Spectral SC typeface is used to express brand logos. Typeface – S